B2B recommendation

Our recommendation is to implement the B2B Subscriptions <15 setup and sales strategy for smaller companies, those with fewer than 15 employees. This setup is fully automated, requiring no manual processes for sales, activation, and billing. As organizations grow and exceed 15 employees requiring digital access, a more personalized sales approach becomes more effective. Therefore, transitioning to the B2B Subscriptions 15> setup is advisable. This approach allows for customization of the offer to better meet the evolving needs of the company.

Observing the B2B sales strategies 2024 of major media companies on a global scale or national level, it’s evident that most prefer a customized approach. This enables them to add value to the offer through personalized interactions with potential business customers.

We strongly believe a combination of both Predefined offers for the smaller companies and Customized offers for the midsize and larger companies is a good approach. This enables you to automate some part of the B2B sales towards smaller companies and organizations while maintaining a personalized touch for mid-size and larger potential customers, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your B2B sales strategy.

Financial Times (Feb 2024)

The Economist (Feb 2024)

The Wall Street Journal (Feb 2024)

The Times (Feb 2024)

Dagens Industri (Feb 2024)