Tulo Identity
– Strong customer identification.
To make an invoice purchase in Finland, it will be required by law as of October 1st to make a strong customer identification for the person making the purchase. The identification process involves bank identification or a mobile certificate in Finland. In your case, this will be required for all customers who purchase a subscription and pay with an invoice via your subscription platform, for instance, Kayak or Cprofit.
To solve this requirement, we have developed Tulo Identity, our new product that will enable strong customer identification. Tulo Identity is based on Signicat, an established digital identity platform in the Nordic market. Signicat is a well-known and used platform integrated with Mobiilivarmenne and the Finnish Bank eIDs (FTN).
Good to know in the Swedish market is that Signicat has support for BankId.
How does it work?
We have integrated Tulo Identity in Tulo Shop and our legacy purchase flow and built a fast and seamless verification experience. When the customer chooses to pay with an invoice, they will be directed to the Signicut platform to verify their identity.
You will be able to view the details from the customer identification on the customer account for each order, in Payway admin portal.
To ensure that the first and last name on the invoice address is the same as the name from the identification via Signicat, the name on the account and address in Payway will be overwritten in case they do not match. The same name is then sent to subscription platforms like Kayak and Cprofit, and the account will be updated if the name does not match.
As this is a new law, iterations of the product could be needed in the future. Therefore, we are grateful for your feedback on the matter.
What does it cost?
Tulo Identity is our newest product in the Tulo product family. The product has an entry cost and a transaction fee per identification.
Don’t hesitate to contact Jan Lauren to receive your offer.